Apparently, all you have to do nowadays to be featured in a Gucci ad is to get naked and take a photo. Brilliant!
This young man photographed himself semi-nude, placed the Gucci parfum bottle and logo on the page, and called in a media buy to a Swiss publication. "Send the bill to Gucci!"
Apparently, he called so close to press the sales team didn't have time to verify the legitimacy of the order, and it looks like your standard "Are you good enough?" fashion ad, so they ran it. And sent the bill to Gucci. The bill was $50,000.
Gucci, having no idea who the crazy-dilated-eyed dude in the ad was, was understandably displeased.
Now, nobody has any idea where this guy is.
Young design students, take notice - all you need to turn some simple spec work into shameless self promotion is a good camera, good body, and no fear of felony charges.
[via FCN]