Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Newsish: And the winner is...

Jacksonville's local news media have long been competing for the title of most obvious cliche, and the only way to fairly judge them is to examine each outlet's coverage of the same story:

From the shameless self-promoting "4" in every possible headline, and constant alliteration of Channel 4:

To Florida Times-Union's attempts on clever headlines, but not quite hitting the mark:

To our awesomely bad winner, First Coast News, who wins based on both effectiveness and quantity of puns:

Suspects corralled in the Golden Corral, the investigators who caught them were on a stakeout at the restaurant? This is local media gold.

First Coast News, we salute you.


J. Douglas said...

"Steakout" would have been funnier. I would have been really impressed if they could have worked in Big Fat Yeast Rolls somehow.

Jaxopolitan said...

Is Quincy's even in business anymore?