First Coast News vows to educate the parents of the dangers of date rape drugs. No word yet on the dangers of allowing teenagers to watch My Super Sweet Sixteen.
It's really sad that the local news stations are so far behind pop culture. Everything I ever needed to know about date rape drugs, I learned from Veronica Mars.

Oh, how I miss old, young, spunky Veronica. Sure, she's still spunky, but now the CW's got her all sexed up. Or maybe it's Peta who's got her all sexed up, with their "Sexiest Veg Alive" thing.
I'm blaming it on the cucumbers.
Speaking of The Sexiest Vegetarians of 2006, how good was Prince at the Superbowl? The Foo Fighters may have to retire "Best of You" from their live setlists.
Colts? Bears? Both LOSERS.
Prince won Superbowl XLI.
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