Thursday, November 09, 2006

Newsish: Politican (n). Synonyms include statesman, turdblossom.

Open-source at its finest. Wiki calls it like it sees it, Sucka! [WIKI]
Astronaut spawns Alchonaut. When your father is running for re-election, getting arrested for drunk and disorderly is all a matter of timing. [FCN]
He's on page 16. One of Santorum's kids goes for the big time, not just discreetly giving the finger to everyone he meets, but a live viewing audience, as well. [WNK] | [TBWCYL]
Complete lack of surprise. A train crashed on the Northside today. But more importantly, there's actually a "Gun Club Road"? [N4J]


Anonymous said...

holy smokes.
the Crist entry is awesome.

J. Douglas said...

Any chance Charles Nelson spewed anti-semitic comments while attacking the officer?

I hear that's all the rage.

Damn, you mean McCain wasn't on the ballot?