Locally-owned San Marco coffee shop Uncommon Grounds is feeling some serious pain from the clusterfuck that is the Hendricks construction.
TSI is thus hosting a benefit concert Tuesday with proceeds going to save San Marco's anti-starbucks. Five bucks, a few bands, and a chance to help out a neighbor.
Show some local love. Fight the Walmart-ization of society.
[Borrowed from Urban Jacksonville]
Maybe we should support UC by going there once in a while?
I must admit though that Ron and I prefer Star-gazing. The "clientele" at Starbucks is better.
Scenery like that at UC is little more, well, uncommon.
I don't know about that clientele comment. When I popped in UC this morning before work, there were some interesting people to watch:
1) Group of 5-6 men in business clothes praying. (Praying for salvation? Praying they won't get indicted for tax fraud? How mysterious!)
2) A small group of young hipsters.
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