Setting: Park Street, through Five Points
Characters: Jaxopolitan, single girl in the city; Jaxomobile, the little Volvo that could
Jaxomobile: Vrroom! What a nice drive - the weather's great, I have my windows down, (cue grill curling into a smile).
Jaxopolitan: I love Five Points. It's so awesome. I'm so happy not to live in the cookie-cutter southside.
Jaxomobile: Vrroom! I love the minimal traffic around here. If I had to deal with the stop-and-go of Baymeadows everyday, I'd blow a gasket.
(Jaxomobile rounds Five Points Roundabout back onto Park Street)
Jaxopolitan: Hey! What's that!
Jaxomobile: Hey little lady, what are you looking at?
Jaxopolitan: "Grassroots Natural Market." There's going to be a natural foods store on this side of town? (Brain explodes inside skull)
Jaxomobile: Wow, that will be nice. Now I won't have to deal with JTB every time you get an organic craving.
Jaxopolitan: Is there a website? A phone number? I must have more information. I need more information! (Strains to read banner for contact)
Jaxomobile: Woman! Pay attention! Watch the road! You're going to be the death of me!
Jaxopolitan: Oh, whoops. Sorry, Jaxomobile. I'm just excited!
Jaxomobile: I know you are. I forgive you. Let's go home. I need more coolant. (cue grill curling back into a smile)
Apparently, the store is to be opened by a couple young men whose family already owns many GNC-type nutrition centers around town. The hydroxycut and creatine-power background makes me nervous, but my hope is that this venture will be a right-on natural market, that happens to be financially backed by the family.
Grassroots Natural Market is set to open sometime before year's end.
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