Thursday, March 08, 2007

Life imitating news imitating life.

The above clipping from this week's Folio (which cites my Feburary 27 post) is currently hanging in up the First Coast News studio.

I like to imagine it's stuck to the refrigerator with an alphabet magnet and little gold star stickers. Because "local media gold" really deserves a gold star or two. [FCN] | [FW]


Anonymous said...

Just so impressed

Mercury Falling said...

We can't rely on the punny local media. That's w hy the Mecury Falling blog has been started - - to call attention to Jacksonville's state-leading mercury emissions. This is a dangerous neurotoxin that gets in our fish, and can especially affect children. The local media will not call attention to it, we have to be community journalists and change our city from the grassroots. Thanks.

J. Douglas said...

Looks like your "buzz" from the weekend in ATL is still kickin'