Thursday, November 02, 2006

This little piggy had latte, this little piggy got mocha.

A happy penguin is a caffinated penguin

This little piggy's heart exploded from too much caffeine. Don't you love a happy ending?

Good news from Uncommon Grounds - apparently somebody sold a kidney or small child to raise the cash for some serious backrent, so hopefully they'll live long enough to describe the shop as "In the heart of San Marco," instead of the current, "In the heart of the clusterfuck formerly known as Hendricks Ave." [FG]

I just picked up one of their "Five Finger Discount" flyers - five fingers, five days a week, five specials.

Mon: $1 off Mocha
Tues: 50% off Regular Coffee
Wed: 50% off Latte
Thur: $1 off Sandwiches
Fri: $1 off Happy Penguin

1 comment:

Jaxopolitan said...

We have our first spam! This must be the big time.