Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Foliowatch: blogosphere, elections, and your family's imminent demise

Why write, when you can steal borrow? Total word count for article "Unsportsmanlike Conduct": 86. Total word count left after removing quotes lifted directly from Parag's blog: 17. [PG 9] | [PG]
No need to vote! The system sucks! Let's get gelato. Shelton Hull educates readers to the facts: The midterm election has already come and gone, a decade is 6 years. [PG 14]
It must be sweeps. Channel 4 uses gratuitous caps lock and reminds readers to PROTECT YOUR FAMILY! ALL DAY THURSDAY. Other 6 days of the week, fuck 'em. [PG 68]

1 comment:

Jaxopolitan said...

Making callous comments from behind the relative anonymity of a computer screen is what the Internet's all about.

Well, that and porn.