Thursday, March 01, 2007

Todoist: Low-Key weekend in preparation for the best Artwalk ever.

Fri: Roll James Bond-style at Impact Jax's Vegas Night. Casino games, Elvis impersonators, free hors d’oeuvres and cash bar. No cover. Reception @ 7:30, Casino @ 9 @ Downtown Hyatt. [IMPCTJX]
Sat: San Marco Theatre shows the bat-shit crazy David Lynch film Mulholland Dr. as the Midnight Movie. [SMT]


Anonymous said...

There is something just wonderful about Mullohand Drive

though, I love and hate David Lynch films because sober or not; I don't think I have ever understood one.

J. Douglas said...

Ahem...Bennett has some big shoes to fill.

I believe the Harrington Design Arts Alliance Artwalk at the Florida Theater was the best everrr.