Summer's coming soon. Which means, in addition to constant bitching about global climate changes, fist fights over the perpetual argument of heat versus humidity, and assholes asking, "Hot enough for ya?" There will be some pretty excellent summer festival concerts and outdoor events.
The only problem is, after paying for admission and parking, who can afford to drink $6 beers all day?
The Beerbelly fixes all that. A polyurethane bladder attaches to your midsection, creating a stealth compartment for carrying more than a six-pack of hooch. Sure, you'll look like a fat bastard, but your beer-induced sense of self confidence will overcompensate for that.
Ladies, if drinking while looking preggers isn't your thing, fear not! Currently under development is the Wine Rack, a bra that performs miracles of all sorts! Because seriously, what's hotter than a drunk girl with big ta-tas?
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