Everyone's all over Jacksonville's Affordable Housing shortage lately. Luckily, this problem is not unique unto Jacksonville.
Artists in Tel Aviv have found the solution: prostitution. They've determined that the number of whores in your neighborhood directly correlates to rent prices. Genius!

Unwilling to prostitute themselves (who wants to stand on a street corner all day when you could be inside playing the Sims or World of Warcraft or whatever those damn kids play nowadays), they enlisted the help of a dozen or so life-size cardboard whores.
So once this big kitty city thing is over, I say the next public art work should be hookers. Do it for the kids! [VC]
So how the heck do you explain Springfield that has both a high level of hookes and high rent? It's an affordable-hooker-housing-anomoly!
I'm such and awesome speller!
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